
This is the date on which Peachtree will post the negative payment. If you discover that you need to void a check right away, the void date could be the same as the original check date. But if you discover it later, especially if the month has been closed, your void date should probably be today. If you change the date to sometime in a prior month, you will change that month’s ending balances by the amount of the check.

  • Next, verify QuickBooks for any modified transactions by running various reports that would reveal any changed, deleted, or added transactions.
  • We’re going to give you some of the broad strokes here, but be sure to look into the specifics for your state.
  • Or they do not complete the service and the issuer cannot contact them to negotiate.
  • Every state handles unclaimed money slightly differently.
  • Before going into detail, I want to ask if you could provide me with a screenshot of the uncleared transactions?

Uncleared checks/payments from months ago that are not duplicate transactions. I am unsure how to resolve and every time I call QB’s support they can not figure it out either. Once the journal entry is created, you can pull up the Transaction Journal Report to review the debit and credit for the transaction. accountants trial balance software atb This gives you a more focused view of amounts and accounts that is not visible from the transaction itself. Before performing any actions in your company file, I recommend creating a backup copy first. This is to ensure you have the original info you can restore in case of accidental loss or damage.

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Just because Sage 50 allows you to delete a check from the current year doesn’t mean you should. It’s much better to void checks so that you can account for every check number. Let’s talk about the payroll check first because Sage 50 makes this very easy. That will automatically void the old check and create a new check for the same amount that you can print. The void transaction and the replacement check both get dated today so the net effect on your general ledger and payroll tax reports is zero.

For now, you’ll want to consider creating a Journal Entry or follow the recommendation shared by KhimG. You’ll also have to choose what specific year you’d like the changes to affect. The original post is for QuickBooks Desktop, so you can use the steps shared by our Community backers above to reissue a check without impacting your prior year financial. The bank column of the cash book shows a balance of $15,000 at the end of the month. According to the bank statement, however, the balance is $10,000. I tried this and it added all the uncleared transactions giving me a balance, it didn’t go to $0.00.

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In most cases, we don’t recommend voiding/deleting transactions. Deleting previous unclear transactions may cause serious complications. What we can do is you can mark these transactions as cleared. Go to the Chart of Accounts, select the bank, and locate these transactions.

Is there any other context you can provide?

The Credit Date should, in most cases, be today’s date. At the Credit No.field, if you have a credit memo from the vendor, use the number from the credit memo. If you don’t have a credit memo (as when you entered an invoice twice) I suggest using “CM-” followed by the original invoice number. Now select the invoice from the drop down list on the Apply to Invoice No. tab, then click the Return button at the top of the window and choose All. That will fill in the amounts and/or quantities from the invoice. This entry will affect your general ledger in the current year, but again that is needed as a correction to the prior year expenses.

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When you submit the money to the state, you relieve your liability account. It didn’t affect  previous reconciliations.I honestly see unreconciled transactions since I was start work for this client. I’m looking solution and looking around each transaction, which one I can delete or void better. When the company issue check, the accountant credit cash at bank and debit other accounts such as assets, liability, or expense. So in order to write off an outstanding check, we need to look at the original entry and reverse it back.

I know I can with confidence delete duplicates. I was trying delete uncleared transaction from beggining of 2019 and I created a problem as you mentioned in your respond…… So i recreate journal entry for this deleted transaction. It didn’t show up in previous reconciliations after all.


The uncleared deposits and checks in QuickBooks Online are not yet cleared in your bank, so you can leave those transactions as is. You can filter the reconciliation page to show the cleared transactions only. Alternatively, we can generate a journal entry for this check since it was written off in a closed period. If you need further assistance on what accounts to use for the entry, I recommend seeking help from your accountant to ensure that your books are accurate. If you meant you’ve voided a written check, you can simply re-create it with its exact and correct details. Once done, you can manually clear them in your account register so that future reconciliations will not create discrepancies from previous periods.

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